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Auction of Promises

Auction of Promises:

Illuminate St Peter & St Paul's Church

Join us on Saturday, May 4th, 2024, at the historic Parish Church of St Peter & St Paul in Ringwood's Market Place for a spectacular Auction of Promises. This exciting event aims to raise vital funds exceeding £10,000 for the much-anticipated repairs to our lighting system.

How You Can Make a Difference:

1. Donate Auction Items:

We invite you to contribute auction-worthy items that can spark excitement and interest. Whether it's a delightful meal from your restaurant, an exquisite bottle, a stunning flower arrangement, a voucher for your establishment, or any attractive gift, your generosity can make a significant impact.

2. Gift Your Time:

Consider contributing a promise of your time to our auction. This could range from bottles, flower arrangements, and vouchers to more personalized offerings. Offer the gift of time - bake a cake, create a dessert, accompany someone on a shopping spree, treat them to an afternoon out, provide a boat trip, horse ride, golf game, babysitting services, an hour of ironing or gardening, or even a trip to the tip! Anything that others would be eager to bid on.

3. Attend the Auction:

We extend a warm invitation to everyone to join us for an enjoyable evening at the Auction of Promises. Admission is free, and your first drink is on us! The event takes place at the Parish Church on May 4th, starting at 6 pm. It promises to be a night filled with excitement and community spirit.

How to Contribute:

Please drop off your generous donations at the Benefice Office, conveniently located behind the Parish Church. Alternatively, contact the office at 01425 489898 or email us at to arrange for your contribution.

Let's come together to light up St Peter & St Paul's Church and ensure its radiance continues to shine for generations to come. We look forward to your support and hope to see you at the Auction of Promises for a delightful and impactful evening!

Note: Admission to the event is free, and the first drink is complimentary.


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