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All are welcome at services across Ringwood Benefice.

Details of all our services are below.

First Sunday
08.00 BCP Holy Communion followed by a bring and share lunch

11.00 Holy Communion

Second Sunday 
11.00 Holy Communion

Third Sunday
11.00 Morning Prayer (Baptism service)

Fourth Sunday 
08.00 BCP Holy Communion

11.00 Holy Communion

10.30 Holy Communion every Wednesday

First Sunday 
11.15 Holy Communion followed by a bring and share lunch

Second Sunday 
11.15 Matins or Family service

Third Sunday
11.15 Matins or Family Service


First Sunday
18.00 Evensong with Holy Communion

Third Sunday
10.30 Matins


First Sunday
10.30 Morning Worship

Second Sunday 
10.00 'Soft Start' Family Service in the Hall with refreshments

18.30 The Well with refreshments from 18:00

Third Sunday
08.00 BCP Holy Communion

10.30 Holy Communion

Fourth Sunday 
10.30 Service of the Word

18.30 The Well with refreshments from 18:00

Fifth Sunday
08.00 BCP Holy Communion

Fourth Sunday 
10.00 Matins or Holy Communion


First Sunday
10.00 Holy Communion

Second Sunday
08.00 BCP Holy Communion

10.00 Service of the Word

Third Sunday
10.00 Holy Communion

Fourth Sunday
10.00 Service of the Word

10.00 Holy Communion every Thursday


On Fifth Sundays a Benefice Celebration Service is held at 10.30am at a Church in the Benefice. Details of Benefice services are published in the diary. 




Descriptions of Services

Descriptions of Services

Holy Communion - Book of Common Prayer.
A service of Holy Communion in traditional language from the 1662 Book of Common Prayer.
Holy Communion - Common Worship
A service of Holy Communion in modern language using Common Worship.
Matins – Book of Common Prayer
Morning Prayer in traditional language from the 1662 Book of Common Prayer
Sunday or Morning Worship
This service incorporates readings from the Bible, a talk and prayers. 
All Age Worship
Our all-age services are aimed at families and contain content for children, young poeple and adults. These services are usually shorter than other services. 
Worship for All
All-Age service held at Ellingham Church with boarders from Moyles Court School present but open to all. 
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